Authorized Electronic Waste Recycling...
  Know more of e-waste?  
      Electronic Waste – or e-waste – is the term used to describe old, end-of-life electronic appliances such as computers,laptops, TVs, DVD players, mobile phones, mp3 players etc. which have been disposed of by their original users. While there is no generally accepted definition of e-waste, in most cases, e-waste comprises of relatively expensive and essentially durable products used for data processing, telecommunications or entertainment in private households and businesses.  
       Public perception of e-waste is often restricted to a narrower sense, comprising mainly of end-of-life information- & telecommunication equipment and consumer electronics. However, technically, electronic waste is only a subset of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). According to the OECD any appliance using an electric power supply that has reached its end-of-life would come under WEEE.  
      we define all appliances running on electricity that have no function anymore as e-waste and use WEEE and e-waste synonymously.  
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